



Ideological and Political Curriculum Construction Under Background of Education Digital Transformation from Perspective of Contradiction Analysis
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    随着我国教育数字化转型的推进,高校课程思政建设也经历着深刻的数字化重塑。 从矛盾分析视角探讨教育数字化背景下的高校课程思政建设,不仅是深刻认识高校课程思政数字化转型内在规律的要求,更是扎实推进高校课程思政数字化转型实践认知的前提。 首先,从“供给”与“需求”的矛盾分析中把握教育数字化背景下高校课程思政建设的现实困境;其次,从“主体”与“客体”的矛盾分析中阐释教育数字化背景下高校课程思政建设的逻辑框架;最后,从“上级”与“下级”的矛盾分析中探寻教育数字化背景下高校课程思政建设的推进路径。 以期厘清高校课程思政建设的理论逻辑与实践路径,促进高校课程思政建设的创新发展。


    With the promotion of digital transformation of education in China, the construction of ideological and political construc? tion of college curriculum is also undergoing profound digital transformation. To discuss the construction of ideological and political edu? cation in college under the background of digital transformation of education from the perspective of contradiction analysis is not only the internal requirement of deeply understanding the law of digital transformation of ideological and political education in curriculum, but also the cognitive premise of solid promotion of the practice of digital transformation of ideological and political education in curriculum. This study starts with the linkage analysis of “supply” and “demand” to explain the realistic dilemma of ideological and political edu? cation in college curriculum. Then, from the interactive analysis of “subject” and “object”, this study reveals the logical framework of the construction of ideological and political education in college curriculum under the background of digital transformation of education. Finally, from the collaborative analysis of “superior” and “subordinate”, this study explores the promotion path of ideological and po? litical education construction in college curriculum under the background of digital transformation of education. Based on the realistic dilemma of ideological and political education in college curriculum, this study proposes the theoretical logic and practical path of the construction of ideological and political education in college curriculum under the background of digital transformation of education, in order to effectively promote the innovative development of ideological and political education in college curriculum.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-02-18
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-09-02
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